Tuesday, July 7, 2009

J.C. Hutchins and Phil Rossi making you scared of the dark.

Two great story tellers bringing back fear of the dark.

J.C Hutchins (@JCHutchins on twitter) is a fantastic storyteller, and podcaster that had his print debut June 9 2009. Personal Effects:Dark Art hit the streets shelves and mailboxes running. I haven't been able to score my copy yet the damn bills keep piling up. Responsibility sucks. I have seen the first 4 chapters and I'm loving it.

Phil Rossi (@PhilRossi on twitter) has his debut of Crescent coming out in just a couple days here on July 9th, 2009 - I'm currently listening (well once I locate my Ipod again) to this in podcast form and I think that's why I can't find my Ipod because Phil Rossi scared the hell out of it and it doesn't want to play any more of crescent - Crescent is a nicely done sci-fi story that will keep you up as much from fueling a fear of the dark as wanting to know what happens next.

Remember to support Hutch and Rossi both by purchasing their books wherever you may find them - Though we do have a Special note - Phil Rossi is trying the ever popular Amazon rush, and he requests that you don't pre-order the novel but rather participate in the rush on July 9th and storm Amazon.com (hopefully Amazon will have their act together and it won't end up repeat of May 15th for Christiana Ellis)

Thank you both for creating some awesome fiction to keep me up into the night, oh and my wife has a few words for you too, but they're not the happy kind as I kinda get wrapped up in listening and forget to come to bed.....

Edit - 11:44 AM CDT 7-21-2009
Like a dumbass I forgot to post a link to Hutch and Phil's Websites -

To Check out their work for yourself please visit their sites below
J.C. Hutchins http://jchutchins.net
Phil Rossi http://crescentstation.net

1 comment:

  1. Dude! Thanks for the kind pimpage and support. You rock!

